All Blockchain Nation News

Newsletter #01/2024

Written by Sarina Wellauer | May 29, 2024 11:35:27 AM

Bern, 14 March 2024

Welcome to the newsletter of the Innovation Booster Blockchain Nation Switzerland (IB BNS), powererd by Innosuisse! In this newsletter we want to show you what the IB BNS does for the blockchain ecosystem in Switzerland: Our goal is to find radical new blockchain ideas that we can support in their elaboration. To find teams with such ideas our main vessel are our Pitch Days. Three to four times a year we hold Pitch Days in different parts of Switzerland. To be invited to such an event, it is required to submit an idea via our application form. If you fulfill the criteria, you will be invited to pitch and might get the chance to be supported by IB BNS.

We are looking forward to a year filled with radical new blockchain ideas!

Best regards,
Your IB BNS team


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